Blue Fern Ekor Kuda Lycopodium Huperzia Goebelli

Blue Lycopodium Huperzia Ekor Kuda Fern

This Blue Fern Ekor Kuda or Lycopodium Huperzia Goebelli is one of the sought after tassel ferns because of the beautiful colour and structure of the much larger leaves.

Known in Malaysia as Paku Ekor Kuda (Horse Tail Fern), it is also not easy to encounter these in the wild. And due to the sudden surge of information available on the internet, there has been multiple names for this unique tassel fern.

The scientific and common names are Blue Lycopodium, Huperzia Goebelli, Lycopodium Dalhousieanus, Phlegmariurus Dalhousieanus and Ekor Kuda. Some locals also categorize this as Ekor Tupai or Ekor Musang fern, which is not accurate.

Blue Fern Ekor Kuda Lycopodium Huperzia Goebelli

About 25 years back, when I was actively selling rare plants in Malaysia, I used to have several of these Blue Ferns in my collection. Some of them were even about two metres long and were highly sought after by serious collectors.

Sadly, I only had a few photos of them back then, but in 3R prints; therefore, I cannot share any pictures of my Blue Fern collection with you here. Again, I have recently started back cultivating the Lycopodium Phlegmariurus Dalhousieanus in my private nursery, and it will probably take some time for them to fully mature.

Back in my early day, no scientific names were being used by collectors as information was scarce with not much internet around; therefore, people just called them by the local name of Ekor Kuda fern. I really miss those days when things were so much more simple.

For the new generation collectors and more information available on the internet, people are now calling this by the scientific name of Lycopodium Dalhousieanus or Phlegmariurus Dalhousieanus. How things have changed since the internet was at everyone’s fingertips.

Ekor Kuda Blue Tassel Fern
Various photos showing the Blue Fern.

Where to Buy Blue Fern Ekor Kuda Lycopodium Huperzia Goebelli?

If you are lucky, you can get them from some nurseries in Malaysia, but most of them are pretty much overpriced nowadays. And if you can find young shoots or juvenile Blue Ferns in pots, they would cost around RM25 to RM50.

For fully matured Blue Ferns, they can cost quite a lot, and again, depending on how you think or how long the tassels are in one single fern plant. Some private collectors may also sell them, but they are hard to come across. People like me who run private nurseries don’t really advertise on social media and so on.

Best Way to Maintain Lycopodium Phlegmariurus Dalhousieanus

Every other person will have their own way of cultivating and growing the Blue Fern, and it is up to you to decide which you feel is better. However, someone in America may have particular ways due to the seasonal weather, while someone in Malaysia may have a simple method due to the tropical climate.

So, you need to consider where you live, what kind of climate, planting conditions and so on before trying to grow the Blue Ferns. Another example is growing them in a condominium or apartment versus growing them in a landed property. Both are very different.

And most important is the sunlight and natural wind for the plants as Lycopodium Phlegmariurus Dalhousieanus needs about 50% sunlight to thrive well, especially in an airy environment.

For fertilizers, avoid chemical ones as they may damage and burn the roots of the plant. Usually, a slow-release type of fertilizer can be used, but I prefer to use organic ones.

Phlegmariurus Dalhousieanus
An Ekor Kuda tassel fern at someone’s home.


As a 30-year fern lover, so much has changed since when no one was interested in these types of ferns and plants those days. Nowadays, especially since the Covid19 pandemic, more people in Malaysia have taken a new hobby and passion in indoor and outdoor plants.

For now, if you can get your hands on a Blue Lycopodium fern, you can try growing it and see the outcome after about six months to a year. Sometimes, it can take a few years to get nice and long.

In Malaysia, the Blue Fern Ekor Kuda Lycopodium Huperzia Goebelli is not easy to come by. The common tassel fern is the Huperzia phlegmaria or Mata Gergaji fern sold just about everywhere.

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