For plant lovers, have you seen the Staghorn Platycerium Fern Wild in Malaysia before? I know many people out there collect, cultivate and even resell these ferns, and here is what it looks like in the natural rainforest of our country.
Since the 90s, I have been actively exploring many of Malaysia’s beautiful rainforests and often come across these majestic platyceriums growing freely high on the tree canopies.
Staghorn Platycerium Fern Wild in Malaysia
On a recent birdwatching trip to Bukit Rengit in Pahang in April 2022, I ventured a little further from the standard road and stumbled upon a massive trio of staghorn ferns (Tanduk Rusa) growing on one tree.
Apart from my main hobby of birdwatching in Malaysia, I also have a long passion for staghorn ferns dating back to the mid-90s, when it was unknown to many people back then.
Nowadays, especially since the Covid 19 pandemic came around in 2020, more people have suddenly gotten into all kinds of plants as a hobby. Some even go to the extreme of selling them online, namely on Facebook and Instagram.
Well, I can easily notice that there are a lot of Platycerium newbies out there, but I guess it takes time to learn and understand these magnificent plants, just like it took me over two decades.
I also noticed that there are too many hybrids and too many cultivated platyceriums available in the market nowadays. Gone are the good old days of getting the natural ones, which have their good and bad, and I will not get into that.
Anyway, below are random photos of the staghorn platycerium fern that I saw in the wild. Notice how the natural staghorn grows so nicely on their own too.
Photos of Wild Staghorn Platycerium Ferns in Malaysia
You can also check out my earlier articles from 2011 on the Staghorn Fern (Platycerium), which I did on my travel blog back then. This was before I decided to have Malaysia Plants, as back then, I used to travel quite frequently around Malaysia and Southeast Asia.
I also wrote about the Staghorn Fern or Tanduk Rusa on my original plant blog in 2010 when I was exploring different platforms to share information about this beautiful plant. Originally, I started a blog on rare plants in Malaysia but left it dormant for several years.
I hope you enjoyed my photos of the Staghorn Platycerium Fern Wild in Malaysia and if you have any comments, please leave them below. Meanwhile, have a safe and wonderful recovery year for 2022 and remember to be still safe.
Also to add, I have changed my camera equipment to a FujiFilm X-S10 and 70-300mm with FujiFilm 2x multiplier. At the same time, for my macro and general landscape photos, I use a Samsung Galaxy S22+ as the technology is awe-inspiring for smartphone cameras nowadays.